Here's an excerpt from the speech in Mars, PA, given after the primary election results had come in showing Romney with decisive victories in Wisconsin, Maryland, and DC:
[Ronald Reagan] lost almost every early primary. He only won one until May. One primary till May. Everybody told him to get out of the race. This was back in 1976. They said, get out of the race, we need a moderate. In 1976, Ronald Reagan didn't get out of the race. He was able to stand tall in May, win the state of Texas, which we have every intention of doing.
He took that race the entire way to the convention and he fell short. And in the fall Republicans fell short because we nominated another moderate who couldn't galvanize our party and bring those votes to our side to get the kind of change that we needed in America. And then four years later, they fought him again. We need another moderate. We have to defeat this Democratic incumbent [Jimmy Carter]. And this time the Republican establishment lost. Let's not make the mistake of 1976 again. Let's bypass that error and move straight to 1980.So Santorum's analysis is exactly the same as mine, except the part where he gets his butt kicked because he is a right-wing nut.
Here is Jon Stewart's take on the speech. It starts around 1:50.
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